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TRADITION OF STRAW GARDENS. The Inventory of Intangible Heritage of Lithuania



„Taip, kaip sukasi pasaulis“. Vida Sniečkuvienė – apie šiaudinius sodus

Interviu su Vida Sniečkuviene, „Kaunas pilnas kultūros“, Algirdas Šapoka, 2023.



Eye-catching straw gardens

Two-part interview with Marija Liugiene (speaking Juozas Šorys), "Būdas" no. 5 and no. 6, Vilnius, 2020.

The first part

The second part

Every node is like a proverb: harmony, health, errand, peace.

Interview with garden binder Lina Žaliauskiene. Alytus News, Aldona Kudzienė, 2020.



Garden jazz about the perfect world.

Interview with garden binder Margarita Macijauskiene. "Western Express", Jurga Petronytė, 2019.

A folk artist reviving Lithuanian tradition about the lack of straw:

have to buy from Germany, a handful - 11 euros.

Lithuanian National Radio and Television, 2019.



It was believed that the garden not only communicates what awaits, but can also correct that fate.

Interview with garden binder Marija Liugiene. "Woman", Virginija Rimkuvienė, 2018.



Gardens we forgot. Why have straw gardens been hung over baby cribs in the past?

Interview with garden binder Marija Liugiene. "Mother's Magazine", Gintė Liaugminienė, 2017.

Straw-hanging gardens are the key to learning about the nation's culture.

Interview with garden binder Jūrate Kygiene. Mano Druskininkai, Ramunė Žilienė, 2017.

Straw gardens are a symbol of festive harmony and beauty.

Interview with Kristina Župerkienė, garden binder. "Peasant", Judita Gaižiuvienė, 2017.

Articles from the book "GARDEN RĖDA"

Rimantas Balsys

Wedding Gardens: Genesis and Symbolism

Virginijus Kašinskas

"Sacred geometry of gardens in the context of national writings"

Gintaras Ronkaitis

"Legacy of Ancestors - Gardens"

Vytautas Tumėnas

"Aspects of the Symbolism of Sacred Straw Gardens in the Local and Intercultural Context"

Jonas Vaiškūnas

Sacredness of the Garden

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